Thursday, January 28, 2010

You may have noticed that I am no longer 'blogging' every day. If so, move to the head of the class. But I am least once a week. So keep checking...Philip never ceases to daze and amaze!

Philip's cousin David and his lovely wife Danni just returned from a cruise on the Carnival Splendor. They flew to L.A., took in a Clippers basketball game, then cruised the Pacific for a week stopping to enjoy the sights and sounds of Mexico along the way. It was, apparently, a wonderful time for the honeymooners!

Not so for Philip. Nine days without David around! Drove Philip and us nuts! "How long will he be gone?...when's he coming back?...did he get to see Shaq at the basketball game?...where's Mexico?...Antonio Banderas was in Mexico you know (Desperado)...will David see him?...have you and mom been to Mexico?...when's David getting back?" It never stopped!

No more vacations David!

I showed Philip a picture of the ship David and Danni were on. "Big boat," he said. "Would you like to go on one like that some day?" I asked. "Might fall off," he answered. "Like Goldie Hawn did in Overboard" (1987 - he loves that movie). "There are sharks in the ocean," I said. "I love sharks," he reminded me. "But they might eat you," I continued. He thought a minute. "Then I'll stay on land." "Bears might eat you on land," I teased. Here it comes...the ultimate retort! "And you wonder why I always stay in my room!"

When will we ever learn!

David and Danni brought Philip this T-Shirt from Mexico. He put it on January 26th...we figure it'll come off sometime near the end of February!

Philip, we think, has an ample supply of pencils. Christmas, Santa, and some zealous blog followers 'led' us to that conclusion. This plethora of pencils has cranked his score keeping up a notch, which, together with his wireless Play Station 3 controller, has introduced a new malady to the mix. He has contracted 'writer's wrist'...'pencil plague'...carpel tunnel syndrome (I think he has carpel tunnel vision...he only sees empty pages and pencils and the need to unite the two...aka 'score keeping!).

He's gone from being a Wrestlemaniac to a Wristlemaniac!

He now wears a tensor wrist band. He continues to wear us out! "Can I shower with it on?...Can I still brush my teeth?...Can I eat with my left hand?"

"Going swimming this week, Philip?" "Can't!"
"Help me shovel snow Philip!" Can't!"
"Bring in some firewood Philip." "Can't!"

The right hand gripping of a pencil? problem.
The right hand clutching of a can of pop? problem.
The P3 controller and my sanity have been put on hold.
Houston...we have a problem!

Hours, if not days, of concern and frustration can often be wiped something Philip says or does that puts everything back into perspective. The other day he stormed off to his room... mumbling and grumbling...angry at the confrontation we had just had regarding his wrist band. He had a clear 'vision' as to its purpose, placement, performance, and duration. We, on the other hand, saw it as a 'new' obsession and were treating it as a placebo. Hence the tension...hence his seclusion behind slammed closed doors!

To ease the 'tension', and to reassure Philip that all was well, I quickly grabbed some chocolate-covered raisins (his favourites) and headed for his room. Clenching my fists...palms down...I entered his room and held out both hands (the treat was in the right one). He sensed the reconciliatory gesture, embraced the challenge, quickly sat up, and gave me the biggest smile.

"Pick a hand," I said. He touched my left one...I opened it...empty!
"Try again," I insisted. He thought for a second (now I smiled), then touched my right hand.
I turned it over...opened it wide, the treat!
With eyes beaming, and a genuine excitement in his voice, he exclaimed, "Man I was close!"

Well we laughed 'til we hurt. And it really felt good! All was forgotten...all was forgiven!

We have our own placebo...his name is Philip.

There's plenty of joy with our special needs boy,
Surprises are par for the course.
A day wouldn't pass, without a good laugh,
One guess as to who is the source!

1 comment:

  1. nice post John!! Feel free to mention me any time...only in a positive way please.... ;o)
