Thursday, March 18, 2010


One of Philip's favourite movies is Steven Spielberg's 'The Goonies'(1985). In it this group of young kids embark on a perilous trek in search of a famous pirate - One-Eyed Willie - and his treasure. Great movie...great entertainment.

Just over a week ago I had the misfortune of fainting due to a blood pressure issue and collapsing from a standing position to the beckoning, swirling floor beneath. The result of soft facial tissue meeting hard laminate wood was a sizable gash over my right eye requiring several stitches. Upon my return home from the hospital Philip expressed grave concern - but was more impressed with the patch over my sutured eyebrow and the colourful yellow, black and blue hues around my eye as they emerged over the next few days. His concern, however, was tempered by his unique ability to magically transform his ailing dad into a movie character, thereby - and I'm guessing here - relieving any stress he might have been feeling regarding the incident.

I had suddenly become 'One-Eyed Willie'...his Goonie hero! He loved it...I had no problem with it. Diane, on the other hand, was quite perturbed. Pirates, she reminded me, were notorious for raping, pillaging and plundering...and she'd have none of it! 'Arrrrr matey....swashbuckled again! Thar'll be no lowerin the anchor this day!'

After several days of dealing with my 'slight concussion' (doctor's words), which included nauseousness, dizziness, and a complete lack of interest in food, I actually began to feel like I was on my way to looking like 'old Willie'.

You be the judge!

On a lighter note, Philip has decided that his long-time relationship with Honey-Nut Cheerios has come to an end. I know...unbelievable! Twenty-eight years of requesting and ingesting what is certainly the most delicious and nutritious cereal on earth...dismissed without thought or remorse...and replaced with...get this...'Special'K!

Breaking News! Parent Alert!
Is there a pattern developing here?
Years of Honey 'NUT' 'SPECIAL' K!
I'm putting my foot down if he starts craving Fruit Loops!
(time to introduce porridge?)

Normally Philip sleeps through our breakfast time (6:30 am...geeez - ya think?). However, recently he started going to bed earlier. Hence, he's been getting up with us. And this is when he discovered his mother's favourite cereal...Special K (because she's special too...wink, wink!...arrr matey!)

Well, the plot thickens.

Honey-Nut Cheerios has always been our preference because it is pre-sweetened (with honey). Philip can simply dish it up, add milk, grab a spoon, and 'bob's your uncle!' Now Special K, on the other hand, is NOT pre-sweetened. Mom uses Sugar Twin...I bury mine in brown sugar.

So Philip is faced with a situation ( Wolf Blitzer!).

The Scorekeeper can 'dart' a balloon from 20 feet at a carnival midway. He can nail home plate with a baseball from deep centre field! But don't ask him to evenly and equally distribute sugar to a bowl of cereal a mere 12 inches in front of him. Ain't gonna happen!

The negotiations commence:
Special K? No problem. (we know he'll be back to his first love soon enough)
Sugar? Problem.
Can he eat it sugarless? He says,"Sure,why not?"
Mom suggests topping those dry little flakes with banana.

He's all over it!
Problem! This involves a knife!
Or me...One-Eyed Willie...doing the slicing!

Ahhh...problem solved.
Philip has learned to slice the banana with a very dull butter knife.

He now enjoys his morning cereal - Special K - in a large plastic bowl..bathed in Vitamin D and calcium rich milk...and covered in large chunks of roughly hewn, slightly mushed, potassium saturated banana.

Why he's a picture of health!

"Let's go for a walk Philip."
"Are you nuts dad? It's time for my nap!"



1 comment:

  1. I'm not checkin your blog as often, but as luck would have it, today I look and TaDa! A new post today and another hit as usual. Glad you are feeling better.

