Thursday, January 13, 2011


So many of you have been complaining. When's the next post? It's been 3 months! Write something already! Here's a quote from an avid reader. "Please don't end the blog. At least don't end it with that opening picture of that 'young stud' with the big hair!"

Okay! I hear ya! So I'll end it with a pic of this 'old dud' with no hair! Happy now?

When we started this blog in October of 2009 it was intended to serve a 3-fold purpose.

1) To give you an insight into our wonderful world with Philip. To bring you up to date on his life and hopefully to position him as a normal guy who suffers (unbeknown to him) from an abnormal condition. I believe we accomplished that.

2) To take you along on our travels after leaving Ontario in October of 2004. You got to live with us on the 'Rock' and enjoy the rough and rugged uniqueness of a people and place I call heaven and Diane calls home. Then you got to travel with us from the Atlantic to the Pacific - where we presently reside enjoying the pristine beauty of Northern British Columbia...with its magnificent forests, its teeming rivers, its majestic picturesque mountains, and the wonderful Western Canadian wildlife...

Meandering Moose

Burly Bears

Big Burly Bears!

Daring Deer

Scary Sasquatch!

...and, of course, its endless, unceasing snow that just keeps on keeping on!

Enough already!

3) And finally, we wrote this blog to introduce Philip to families outside of our circles who may, due to their own 'special' circumstances, find a refreshing ray of sunshine, some hope and consolation...a much needed 'up' in a situation that, in the quiet, lonely, meditative moments, can easily bring you down.

A number of organizations, one being the Head Injury Association of Canada, have The Scorekeeper on their sites. We trust someone, somewhere, might be encouraged by Philip's story.

So this might very well be the grand finale to this particular blog. Philip's life (at 32) has become pretty routine - and you've become privy to all of it. Should anything new develop, we'll put it here. But don't hold your breath!

He won't be launching a career ("I have a job...keeping scores, you know!"). He won't be getting married ("I'm single...who cares!"). And he won't become Prime Minister (although there are times I think he could do as well or better!).

When Philip was a young boy, doctors prepared us for a 25 year life span. Well we're way past that and thankful for every magic moment he remains with us. One thing's for sure...he'll always be our pride and joy...he'll always be our shining star...he'll always be our SPECIAL son!

"And don't you forget it!"

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